The James Brindley Full Circle Programme

The James Brindley Full Circle Programme is an accredited education tool for children and young people and an assessment tool for professionals. It has been developed to address a variety of behaviours and criminogenic needs, that could lead to individuals making decisions that may have a negative lasting impact, on both their lives and the lives of others. Alongside education, it seeks to explore positive alternatives to anti-social behaviour and to develop an individual’s consequential thinking, decision making and problem solving skills, in order for them to make well informed positive life choices.
What it does.
The James Brindley Full Circle Programme seeks to tackle youth offending head on, using an evidence based 360-degree approach. Alongside developing an individual’s awareness of both the short and long term consequences of decision making, the programme seeks to develop problem solving and decision making skills, that we believe will contribute to a positive social lifestyle and avoid involvement in the criminal justice system.
The programme was developed in response to Government statistics, suggesting that ‘looked after’ children in England, are five times more likely to offend than all children, (Fitzpatrick, C2017).
Through the use of creative methods, to encourage participants to share information, the programme gives professionals an insight into why children and young people may make certain decisions, as well as to form an understanding of the contributors to increased risk.

How it's done
The programme focuses on eight key areas, to drive targeted learning and a strong prognosis for positive change:
Family Functioning.
We explore family history, values and support networks, in order to move forwards. Participants also explore moral dilemmas and techniques to avoid conflict.
Peer Pressure.
Our focus is on developing participants’ resilience, through recognising and understanding the effects of peer pressure and how to make well informed choices.
Anti-Social Behaviour.
Through engaging in learning tasks, participants discover the effects that anti-social behaviour can have on themselves and others; they also have the opportunity to receive support in finding positive community based activities, based upon their interests and hobbies.
Substance Misuse.
Our focus is on alcohol and drug abuse. Through scenario based learning tasks, participants gain an understanding of the impact that alcohol and drugs can have on themselves and others, focusing on legal and health implications.
Gang Culture.
Participants begin to develop their knowledge and understanding of gang related behaviour, misconceptions, decision making and problem solving skills and consequences for themselves and others.
Violent Behaviour.
Through activity based learning, participants explore the different types of violent behaviour and gain insight into how they can affect themselves and others; this includes violence with the use of weapons. Participants develop their understanding and knowledge of conflict resolution and learn about skills they can apply to real life situations.
Child Exploitation.
The participant’s understanding of child exploitation (including sexual exploitation) is developed, including how to recognise safe and unsafe situations.
Radicalisation & Extremism.
Participants develop their knowledge and understanding of the topics through scenario based learning tasks, as well as their ability to recognise and build resilience to the grooming behaviours of recruiters.
How it’s delivered…
‘One to One’ or ‘Group Based’.
Delivered by a trained, certificated and approved external facilitator, the programme can be delivered on a ‘one to one’ basis for individual participants or in a ‘group based’ situation, over a flexible twelve week period, depending upon learning ability.
The James Brindley Foundation conducts “Full Circle Facilitator Training Courses” at regular intervals throughout the year, for those professionals wishing to become approved facilitators, from education, health and social services, local authorities, police, prison and probation services or independent agencies and charities. The training provides professionals with resource and a systemised approach to the key subject areas, effective practice when working with participants, as well as best practice in delivering the programme in ‘one to one’ or ‘group based’ situations.

Outcomes & Insights…
The James Brindley Full Circle Programme delivers in-depth understanding and measured outcomes.
For Participants:
• To develop their understanding of a broad array of behaviours and associated consequences of positive and negative decision making.
• To discover positive and pro-social activities and socialisation.
• To make well informed choices when faced with decisions that may lead to negative outcomes.
• To challenge anti-social attitudes and beliefs.
For Professionals:
• To gain a better understanding of a participant’s background, values and decision making abilities.
• To develop a comprehensive assessment of a participant’s prognosis for positive change.
• To ensure that further interventions are relevant, appropriate and effective.