The James Brindley Foundation - Supporting Professionals
The James Brindley Foundation exists to provide vulnerable young people at risk of offending, or those already within the criminal justice system, with safe and supportive environments, where they can be offered the tools and guidance that challenge their behaviour, and build their knowledge surrounding youth violence and its consequences.
Through the delivery of the accredited James Brindley Full Circle Programme, we empower young people, build their self confidence and resilience, to break the cycle of violent youth offending, using an evidence based, 360-degree approach, focusing on key educational areas, that are drivers for anti-social and criminal behaviours.
The Programme delivers in-depth understanding of a participant’s background, values and decision-making abilities. Through the programme assessment tool, the professional develops a comprehensive assessment of the participant’s prognosis for positive change, delivers measured outcomes and ensures that further interventions are appropriate and effective.
Currently, The James Brindley Full Circle Programme is delivered through certificated professionals within colleges and schools, including PRU and SEN provisions, Local Authorities, including Youth Justice Services, HMP Prison Service, looked after children’s care provisions and the voluntary sector, through partner charities.
The programme is invaluable for any individual or organisation, that works with children and young people, either as a reactive intervention, or a long term preventative provision.
The Full Circle Programme
The James Brindley Foundation is accredited by The Open College Network and licensed to train professionals to deliver The James Brindley Full Circle Programme, within their own organisations, as certificated practitioners. The Foundation runs regular 3-day facilitator training courses, delivered through workshops and training sessions.
The courses provide professionals with information and resources surrounding each of the key educational areas, effective practice when working with participants, as well as how to deliver the Programme on a ‘one to one’ or ‘group based’ situation.
The James Brindley Foundation monitors training and participant outcomes to provide support and ensure quality of delivery, in order to maintain it’s QEL+ status as a training centre.
The Open College Network QEL+ status, is a guarantee of the efficacy of its training and resource, as well as its quality and appropriateness, as a teaching tool for children and young people.
Read More about The James Brindley Full Circle Programme here.