Our Vision:
We want to live in a country, where no-one walks in fear of youth violence.We believe that, when everyone accepts personal responsibility for those around them, inevitably violence will be reduced and ultimately, lives saved.
Our Mission:
The James Brindley Foundation, inspired by James to help others, exists to bring an end to youth violence, and to help families who suffer the same pain as ourselves. It is our aspiration that, these matters be given the gravity today, so that they can be consigned to history, tomorrow.
Our Need:
We believe that we are surrounded by generous and talented people, who have the knowledge, enthusiasm and time to help us drive our charity forwards. We are reaching out to campaigners, event managers and fundraisers, ambassadors, trainers and mentors et al… who passionately believe in our cause and want to join the team. Together, we will bring about positive change. Call 0121 752 2610.